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Quality assurance:

Arian Sanat company has been certified with many different certificates of high quality electric machines which are as follows:

ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and with the technical documents of conformity with the standards, is eligible to use the C.E label on their products and in the automotive side of production, it posses Q.S and ISO/TS 16949  which

has been in production with the following policies for the mass production since 1997.

Foundation of policy:

1. Believe in team work and decision making based on the specialized knowledge of inspectors. Following the facts that has been achieved through teamwork.

2. Changing authority from the highest point of hierarchy in management to lower levels of the team according to the capability of the individual and their ability on the subjects within specific time.

3. Each individual within the department has an obligation to fulfill their responsibility according to the authority given to them and should believe in long-term planning for all the projects.

4. Creation of a dynamic learning and rewarding environment that is based on the mutual cooperation of all employees.

5. Efforts on achieving zero waste by continuous innovative methods.

6. Coming up with innovative ways of updating the techniques of production through constant technical and scientific research.

7. Correct completion of all the activities from the beginning of each project and complete belief in consultation with the specialists and experts and recognition and prevention of any kind of mistakes within any parts of the organization before its occurrence.

8. Achieving customers’ satisfaction through all the processes according to their needs.

9. Obligation in all the processes for continuous improvement towards satisfaction of customers and employees.




Arian Sanat Co. Manufacturer of Ac Single & 3 Phase Electric Motors and Automotive Alternator & Starter

Tehran Office: No. 20-3rd floor-16th St.-Ahmad Ghasir Ave. Tehran - Iran

Tel: +98-21-88734393,92,90      Fax: +98-21-88734391